Research Groups
Environmental Engineering Research Center- EERC
Founded in 1991, the Environmental Engineering Research Center -EERC- has the mission of contributing to the improvement of environmental quality in different regions of Colombia through an appropriate understanding of the problems that affect it.
The Research Center is aware that the development of policies and strategies on these problems, based on technical and scientific knowledge, will allow the country to achieve sustainable economic development that does not compromise any of the aspects that determine the quality of life of Colombians. Especially those related to public health.
The CIIA is classified as Research Group A1 in the evaluation system for research groups of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias).
Director: PhD. Ricardo Morales Betancourt
Contact: [email protected]
Address: Carrera 1 Este No. 19A - 40, Edificio Mario Laserna, oficina ML - 221, Bogotá (Colombia).
Phone: +57 1 3394949 Ext. 1836
Fax: +57 1 3324313
E-mail: [email protected]
Construction Engineering and Management Research Group - IN2GECO
The Construction Engineering and Management Research Group - IN2GECO - foments the country's development supporting the construction sector, generating and disseminating new knowledge. His lines of research are framed in: systems for the integration of construction projects; sustainability of the built environment; production systems and quality in construction, and innovation and technology in project management.
The nature of the construction activity seen as an engineering project, with the characteristics of purpose, uniqueness, temporality, risks, impact by the environment and multidisciplinarity, requires that its management be carried out from the engineering project management through the integration of the different areas.
The lines of research proposed by the group promote the strengthening of scientific, technological, innovative, competitive, entrepreneurial and training capacity for researchers in Colombia in the field of Construction Project Management. In addition, it promotes tools to update and generate relevant knowledge for society and from them, projects that are related to each other originate. The lines in progress are linked to the built environment from the perspective of its actors, processes and products.
INGECO is classified as Research Group C in the research group evaluation system of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias).
Director: PhD. José Alberto Guevara Maldonado
Contact: [email protected]
Address: Carrera 1 Este No. 19A - 40, Edificio Mario Laserna, oficina: ML-629, Bogotá (Colombia)
Phone: +57 1 3394949 Ext. 1731
Fax: +57 1 3324313
Materials and Civil Works Research Center - CIMOC
Founded in 1996, the Materials and Civil Works Research Center - CIMOC - has as its fundamental mission: to actively contribute to the academic, scientific, technological and productive development of the country in all areas related to the analysis, design and behavior of materials and infrastructure works.
The lines of research are fundamentally aimed at the development of new technologies, materials, and analysis and design tools that contribute to scientific knowledge and whose application provides solutions to different productive and social problems of the national reality.
CIMOC is classified as Research Group A1 in the research group evaluation system of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias).
Director: PhD. Juan Carlos Reyes Ortíz
Contact: Jonathan Estevens Estrada Ardila
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Carrera 1 Este No. 19A - 40, Edificio Mario Laserna, oficina: ML-336, Bogotá (Colombia)
Phone: +57 1 3394949
Fax: +57 1 3324313
E-mail: [email protected]
Geomaterials and Infrastructure Systems Research Group - GEOSI
Founded in 1995, the Geomaterials and Infrastructure Systems Research Group - GeoSI - focuses on basic and applied research on the mechanical behavior of soils, rocks, granular materials, asphalt materials and pavement structures under various scales of analysis and conditions of cargo, among other areas. Additionally, it works to include the uncertain nature of design variables in the construction of infrastructure works and in the formulation of disaster prevention plans, and to carry out research on stochastic modeling of the behavior and deterioration of infrastructure systems.
The group, made up by professors Bernardo Caicedo, Mauricio Sánchez-Silva, Nicolás Estrada and Silvia Caro, as well as students from the undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, is classified as type A1 Research Group in the evaluation system of research groups of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias).
The lines of research are:
1. Study and modeling of the multiscalar behavior of geomaterials.
2. Study and numerical modeling of geotechnical structures, such as pavements, slopes, tunnels and foundations.
3. Physical/experimental and numerical modeling of the behavior of infrastructure works.
4. Study and stochastic modeling of infrastructure systems.
Director: PhD. Miguel Ángel Cabrera
Contact: [email protected]
Address: Carrera 1 Este No. 19A - 40, Edificio Mario Laserna, oficina: ML-639, Bogotá (Colombia)
Phone: +57 1 3394949 Ext. 1899
Fax: +57 1 3324313
Aqueduct and Sewer Research Center - CIACUA
Founded in 1996, the Aqueduct and Sewer Research Center - CIACUA - practices applied research as well as consulting and teaching at the undergraduate, postgraduate and business levels, in the area of Water and Hydraulic Resources. Likewise, it provides its services to different companies in the public and private sectors.
The group, made up of professors from the Universidad de los Andes, postgraduate and undergraduate students, and auxiliary staff from the University, is classified as a type B Research Group in the research group evaluation system of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias).
Director: Prof. Juan Guillermo Saldarriaga Valderrama
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Carrera 1 Este No. 19A - 40, Edificio Mario Laserna, oficina: ML-336, Bogotá (Colombia)
Phone: +57 1 3394949 Ext. 3282
Fax: +57 1 3324313
Urban and Regional Sustainability Study Group - SUR
Founded in 2008, the Urban and Regional Sustainability Study Group – SUR – was born from the concern of professors from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering who, inspired in part by recent global problems, identified the need to strengthen interactions between the areas mobility and transport, environment and urban planning.
Highly technical and multidisciplinary nature, SUR has the capacity to generate technical support to support public policy design processes in the dimensions of urban and territorial planning. His lines of research are framed in: principles of urban and regional environmental quality; regional competitiveness and logistics; public management and institutionality; urban and regional economy; public space and urban architecture; habitat and sustainable construction; spatial modeling and analysis, and mobility and territorial planning.
SUR Group is recognized by the research group evaluation system of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias).
Director: PhD. Álvaro Rodríguez Valencia
Contact: [email protected]
Address: Carrera 1 Este No. 19A - 40, Edificio Mario Laserna, oficina: ML-330, Bogotá (Colombia)
Phone: +57 1 3394949 Ext. 1729
Fax: +57 1 3324313
E-mail: [email protected]