What do Civil Engineers do?

Are you wondering what do Civil Engineers do?

Civil engineers lead, plan, design, build and operate safe and sustainable infrastructure projects for the development of the country.
Studying Civil Engineering at the Universidad de los Andes, you will obtain the leadership tools so that you can conceive, structure, design and execute projects of this Engineering, which include geotechnical and structural works such as bridges, dams, tunnels, embankments, buildings , roads, aqueducts and hydraulic works, among others.


Uniandinos civil engineers can play a very important role in the prevention and reduction of the risk that more than 80% of Colombians run, because of a possible seismic movement. Do you know how?Tired of the endless traffic jams in your city? Civil engineers from Universidad de los Andes study possibilities to improve traffic problems in cities and make it possible for us to invest that time with our families, friends, studying...
When we are in a period of reactivation of the construction sector in Colombia, Uniandinos Civil Engineers will lead the multiple megaprojects that will modernize the national infrastructure and improve the quality of life of millions of Colombians.With such low rural sewage coverage, Uniandinos civil engineers have a lot of work to do to design and develop aqueduct systems that fit to the needs and budgets of this population


Why to study Civil Engineering?

Professor Nicolás Estrada Mejía, head of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, tell us the reasons about why to choose Civil Engineering as your program.


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